NUMDIFF-15 conference in Halle (Saale)

f.l.t.r. Konstantin Zerulla, Jan Leibold, Jan Philip Freese, Patrick Krämer, Bernhard Maier, Benjamin Dörich

From the 3rd to the 7th of September six researchers of our CRC visited the NUMDIFF-15 Conference which took place in Halle (Saale), Germany. The conference, hosted by the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, addressed all aspects of numerical simulation of differential equations. This time the emphasis was put on differential-algebraic equations (DAE) and stochastic differential equations (SDE).

We are proud to have represented our CRC  by contributing talks about the analytical and numerical treatment of wave phenomena to the conference. The scientific program contained many inspiring talks even though not all of them matched the research topics of our CRC.

Market Square of Halle

The time we did not spend on the conference site we used to explore the lovely city center of Halle, Handel’s native town. On Wednesday we took part in the excursion to the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Bauhaus Dessau. In a guided tour we did not only learn a lot about the worldwide influence of Bauhaus in architecture and design but also about its history which is closely related to German history.

We are looking forward to contribute to the NUMDIFF-16 taking place in three years.

Wavys Werk und Davids Beitrag

Wer ist schon gern berechenbar? Ein Gespräch mit einer Welle über ihre Simulationen.


Stimme aus dem Nichts: Warum hat Gott nicht gesprochen „Es werde Schall!“?

Ich: Keine Ahnung.

Stimme aus dem Nichts: Hat er schon, es hat nur niemand gehört.

Ich: Sehr witzig. Wer ist da und warum sehe ich dich nicht?

Stimme aus dem Nichts: Ich bin Wavy, die akustische Welle. Du kannst mich nicht sehen, sondern
nur hören.

Ich: Das ergibt Sinn. Ich heiße David. Es freut mich dich endlich kennen zu lernen. Ich habe meine
Doktorarbeit über dich geschrieben.

Wavy: Ach ja? Um was geht es darin?

Ich: Ich habe Fehlerabschätzungen für Finite Elemente Lösungen von Wellengleichungen mit
dynamischen Randbedingungen bewiesen.

Wavy: Wie bitte? Wenn du glaubst mich durch „Fachchinesisch“ beeindrucken zu können, hast du
dich geschnitten.

Ich: Natürlich nicht, verzeih mir. Dann lass mich mit einer Frage beginnen: Weißt du wie ein
Mikrofon funktioniert?

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5th International Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems

f.l.: Rainer Mandel, Janina Gärtner, Piotr Idzik, Andreas Hirsch, Wolfgang Reichel

From May 22nd till May 26th the 5th International Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems took place in Gaeta, Italy. With 17 invited talks and 184 short talks in 19 minisymposia distributed on four and a half days the amount of talks at the conference was quite impressive. Besides the more than 200 participants from all over the world there were six researchers from the CRC: Wolfgang Reichel who had the honour to give the opening talk; Janina Gärtner, Andreas Hirsch, Piotr Idzik, Rainer Mandel and Martin Spitz, all of them contributing by a short talk to the minisymposium “PDEs arising in nonlinear optics”. In this minisymposium consisting of 14 talks, which was organised by Jarosław Mederski and Wolfgang Reichel, we were kept up to date with the ongoing research of colleagues who are well-known to our working groups in Karlsruhe. Continue Reading →