Graphene – From a dG workshop to Berlin and back

Everyone knows graphite. We find it in pencils, it is used in electrical motors and generators…


A line of a pencil is made of graphite. photo by Patrick Krämer

But did you know that we can make way more out of this material, or more precisely out of the extracted layers of this material, called graphene?
In the future it could be used for designing a new generation of smartphone displays, transistors, electrodes, biomicrorobotics and many more.

In November 2015 we invited the physics group of Kurt Busch from Humboldt Universität zu Berlin to a „Discontinuous Galerkin SFB Workshop” at our institute. The aim of the workshop was to find a common starting point for the combination of theory and practice in the efficient simulation of problems arising from physics under realistic conditions. For this purpose the idea was to combine the expertise of Kurt Busch’s group in the parallel implementation of a specific class of methods for the spatial discretization of PDEs, so called discontinuous Galerkin (dG)  methods,  on large clusters with efficient time integration methods developed in our SFB.

My specific field of research within the SFB is the efficient time integration of the MaxwellDirac (MD) system in a highly oscillatory regime. This system describes the interaction of e.g. an electron with its self-generated electromagnetic field.  During this very interesting workshop Julia Werra, a PHD student of Kurt Busch’s group, told me that in particular the MD system is used to model electrons in the material graphene.

Since Julia’s research is on the analysis of the physical properties of graphene and we wanted to learn more about the physical point of view of the MD system, we planned to discuss the connection of the physical with the mathematical aspects of this material together with her a little bit more. So I went for 4 days to Berlin in March 2016.  This exchange of knowledge proved very valuable. Now Kurt Busch’s group and I think about how we can combine physics and mathematics in the efficient simulation of graphene.

At this point I also want to put some light also on what graphene actually is:


Graphene can be seen as an extracted layer of graphite. Click for source.

Graphene is a 2D crystal of carbon atoms which are structured in a hexagonal honeycomb lattice. It can be seen as an extracted layer of graphite. Each carbon atom in graphene only has 3 partners, so by the missing fourth partner at each atom there are free electrons that make the material a good electrical conductor. Here its electronic band structure plays an important role. The band structure of a solid helps to understand its electrical, thermal and optical properties. The band structure of graphene shows a peculiarity, the so called Dirac cone, at the so called Dirac points, where two energy bands cross each other. On Youtube you can find a pretty nice and informative video on graphene, its band structure and Dirac cones.

Physicists all over the world see graphene as the material of the future as it has very nice properties due to its atomic structure: It is transparent, impermeable for many molecules, much stronger than for example steel even though it is much lighter, and it has an exceptionally good electrical and thermal conductivity. Furthermore, it is one of the most frequent materials on earth.

If you are interested in a related work on the so-called Maxwell-Klein-Gordon equation you can listen to the modellansatz podcast on numerical time integration which we recorded together with Gudrun Thäter in the context of the Cooking Math project of KIT together with the Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe.

Spring School on Nonlinear PDEs in Senegal

So we did it again – we (the team of Prof. Reichel, i.e. Janina Gärtner, Carlos Hauser, Andreas Hirsch and myself) participated in the Spring School on Nonlinear PDEs and Related Problems, which took place between 15th and 19th of February 2016 in Mbour, Senegal.

One of the most beautiful places to do mathematics

One of the most beautiful places to do mathematics

It was our second visit there – last year we participated in the first edition of this spring school (Spring School on Variational and Geometric Methods in Nonlinear PDEs).

This time we had the opportunity to listen to four series of lectures:

  • “Sign preservation for elliptic boundary value problems” by Guido Sweers (lecture notes available on his homepage),
  • “An introduction to competition-diffusion systems of partial differential equations” by Susanna Terracini,
  • “Nonlocal equations and applications” by Enrico Valdinoci,
  • “Boundedness vs. blow-up in cross-diffusive parabolic systems modeling chemotaxis” by Michael Winkler.

The topics of all of the lectures were interesting and presented in a very good way. Personally I have found the series of talks by Michael Winkler extremely inspiring. The main result presented there – the existence of blow-ups – can be viewed as another scientific law – certain type of bacteria just has to behave like that (i.e. concentrate at one point) similarly as an apple just has to fall down.

Taking part in this event was not only a great occasion to meet new people and listen to really inspiring talks, but also to see a place so much different from Europe. Thanks to this we are now also vaccinated against yellow fever and have many good memories, which will stay with us for a really long time.

Trivial solution of the wave equation on the Atlantic Ocean

Trivial solution of the wave equation on the Atlantic Ocean

If someone had told me a few years ago that studying mathematics might result in a journey to Africa I would not have believed it.

Modeling, design and optimization of 3D waveguides

Today, on my way to work, I walked past the Heinrich Hertz lecture hall on the KIT campus – the place where he originally discovered electromagnetic waves between 1895 and 1899. His portrait is displayed on the historic center of the KIT campus, and you barely even notice it if you don’t know of its existence. In our research project we simulate the propagation of exactly these waves in Photonic Wire Bonds. Here is why we do this:

Do you know Moore’s law? What it states is pretty simple and not as much a law as an observation:

Every two years, the number of transistors doubles.

Transistors are the elemental building-block for any logical system and crucial for the amount of computations (and complexity thereof) a chip can handle. So the continuous increase of the number of transistors on a chip correlates with the amount of information it can process (input-data) and the amount of results it can generate (output-data). Modern computers however do not consist of one single chip doing all the work – they consist of thousands of specialized chips that rely on many others to function. This creates a need for fast communication between chips and here “fast” means:

On the one hand you want low latency – meaning a signal should take a short time to get from one chip to the next. On the other hand you want high bandwidth – meaning a lot of data should be transported in a short window of time.

A Photonic Wire Bond (PWB) connecting two chips. See also: M. R. Billah, et al. "Multi-Chip Integration of Lasers and Silicon Photonics by Photonic Wire Bonding" Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'15), San Jose (CA), USA, May 10–15 , paper STu2F.2. Optical Society of America (OSA) (2015)

Illustration 1: A Photonic Wire Bond (PWB) connecting two chips. See also: M. R. Billah, et al. “Multi-Chip Integration of Lasers and Silicon Photonics by Photonic Wire Bonding”
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO’15), San Jose (CA), USA, May 10–15 , paper STu2F.2. Optical Society of America (OSA) (2015)

For all these reasons our work is focused on the design of Photonic Wire Bonds (PWB) – photonic chip-to-chip interconnects. You can imagine that these wire bonds work just like water pipes: An ideal water pipe transports water without spilling or spoiling any of it. In our case the pipe is a freeform polymer structure and the water is light. Unfortunately, bent wire bonds always leak out light. Since the width of the wire bond is similar to the wavelength of the light propagating in it, we can see and simulate the wave-like properties of light in this setting.

A Multicore Fibre connected to a Silicon Photonic Circuit. See also: N. Lindenmann, et al. "Connecting Silicon Photonic Circuits to Multicore Fibers by Photonic Wire Bonding" J. Lightwave Technol. 33, 755-760 (2015)

Illustration 2: A Multicore Fibre connected to a Silicon Photonic Circuit. See also: N. Lindenmann, et al. “Connecting Silicon Photonic Circuits to Multicore Fibers by Photonic Wire Bonding” J. Lightwave Technol. 33, 755-760 (2015)

In the project C4 we focus on the shape optimization of wire bonds to reduce radiation losses and negative effects on the quality of the signal. We aim at laying the mathematical groundwork for low latency – high bandwidth optical chip-to-chip interconnects as seen in illustration 1. If all goes well we hope to also be able to take a look at more intriguing shapes such as those shown in figure 2 and 3. As a reference: a human hair usually has a diameter of 100 μm!

C. Koos, et al. “Three-dimensional two-photon lithography: an enabling technology for photonic wire bonding and multi-chip integration” Proc. SPIE 8970 (LASE-SPIE'14), Laser 3D Manufacturing, March , 897008-897008-10 (2014) (invited) 

Four Photonic Wire Bonds on a flat surface. See also: C. Koos, et al. “Three-dimensional two-photon lithography: an enabling technology for photonic wire bonding and multi-chip integration”
Proc. SPIE 8970 (LASE-SPIE’14), Laser 3D Manufacturing, March , 897008-897008-10 (2014) (invited)

Tonight, when I leave the office to go home, I will walk by the Institute of Photonics and Quantum Electronics – the place where Prof. Dr. Christian Koos and his research group produce such structures for testing. The illustrations 1-3 as well as the underlying concepts and physical laws controlling electromagnetic waves were created and discovered just a few hundred meters from my office. Can you imagine any better location to do mathematical research on wire bonds?

What actually is cat content?

Welcome to the seminar - poster

photo by Tobias Maier

We, thirteen fearless mathematicians, started our journey into the world of online science communication. The goal was always in our minds: inspiration of the public and representation of our research center. We had to plan our routes, get to know fabulous lookouts and dangerous cliffs and were thrown into the deep to learn to fly.


Our guide Tobias Maier, photo by Gudrun Thäter

Like every journey, we began with packing our bags by participating at a kick-off workshop with the NaWik. Our guide Dr. Tobias Maier, biochemist and writer of the blog WeiterGen, was always at our side. He helped us though the difficult starting process. First we worked out aims and target groups for our online presentation. We want to be visible for you, our reader. We want to fascinate you about our research, the beauty of mathematics and to report from our activities like workshops, conferences and summer schools. A particular challenge is to deal with different target audiences. Naturally, we want to be visible for other scientists and students to inform them and to find new collaborations. In addition we want to address a general public, journalists, school kids or our families and friends. Mathematics is everywhere in our everyday life, but it often hides itself like a shy animal. We want to help changing the peoples attitude towards mathematics and explain to them why our research can make a difference.



photo by Tobias Maier

To reach the different target audiences, Tobias Meier gave us a walk-through to various kinds of online media. In a lively debate we discussed advantages and disadvantages of Twitter, Facebook and others, and learned how to analyze our impact in such media. We are a heterogeneous group with professors, post doctoral researchers and also PhD students, thus, the students used their chance to turn the tables and to bring their expertise to bear. We discussed question like: Why do we need a facebook account if we already have a blog? How do mentions on twitter work? Or how can we find pictures to illustrate our blog articles without infringing copyright laws?

We had also had two sessions with external guests. Dr. Gudrun Thäter, a mathematician from our department and producer of the podcast Modellansatz, talked about math podcasts. A cooperation between this podcast and the CRC just started, since the current episodes (Modell080 f.) discuss the project ´Cooking Math’, a cooperation between students of Hochschule fuer Gestaltung and PhD-students of the CRC. On the other hand, Denis Elbl provided an insight into the KIT online team consisting of a facebook and a twitter account. He gave us useful tips how to manage accounts in social networks and shared his experience on feedback and comments with us.

In the last session we started our journey, hoisted our sails. The blog team set up this blog with a first blog entry. The social media team created a facebook and a twitter account. The video team started an youtube channel. Every team has milestones on their first route, which they want to achieve. So, come back soon to visit us again. It will be worth while!

And for those who expected to find some cat content here: I’m sorry, we decided to just have dog content here.

dog Gonzo

Gonzo, dog of the CRC-speaker Marlis Hochbruck, photo by: Dana Geithner

New blog on mathematics of waves

On July 1st, 2015, a team of mathematicians from KIT embarked on a courageous scientific voyage. The team is completed by physicists and engineers from KIT and two mathematicians from Uni Stuttgart and Uni Tübingen.


We are called CRC 1173 “Wave phenomena: analysis and numerics” and we are funded by the DFG. We pursue our goal to analytically understand, numerically simulate, and eventually manipulate wave propagation under realistic scenarios by intertwining analysis and numerics.

Today, we start our blog and social media presence. Follow us on our adventurous journey through the ocean of waves.


On board of CRC 1173 there is a crew of more than 70 members. Meet some of these women and men, and find out what they do.
Picture Sources: Link to Picture 1  Link to Picture 2