How time flies – first annual meeting of the CRC

Group photo

Almost one year has passed since the start of the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 1173 – time for the First Annual Meeting. It took place in the Bildungshaus St. Bernhard in Rastatt from April 4th till April 8th. About 70 people – from Ph.D. students to professors – took part. Most of them were from the KIT Department of Mathematics, while some came from Stuttgart and Tübingen, and from the KIT Departments of Physics and Electrical Engineering.

Scene from the poster session

Poster session

The most important part of the meeting were the scientific talks. Each project was presented by an overview talk, which was given by one or two of its principal investigators. Additionally, several of the Ph.D. students got the opportunity to present the current state of their research.

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Electromagnetic chirality

Dr. Ivan Fernandez-Corbaton from the Institute of Nanotechnology at the KIT presented his research in our CRC seminar April 21st. We are very happy to share his own short recap of his exciting talk on the question “How Electromagnetic Chiral is a Chiral Object?” with you:

Dr. Ivan Fernandez-Corbaton:
‘Take an object and place it in front of a mirror. If the “being in the other side of the mirror” handed you their version of the object, there are two possibilities: You can rotate it so that it is now identical to your original object, or you cannot. If you cannot, the object is called chiral. Try it at home with a wine opener and you will see that you will never be able to superimpose the two helices because they twist in opposite senses, as the two seashells in the picture.

This seashell is a chiral objects. Source: Wikipedia.Org (

These seashells are chiral. Source: Wikipedia.Org

Chirality is entrenched in nature: From the weak interactions between elementary particles to the empirical fact that most of the building blocks inside the human body are chiral (aminoacids, proteins, the DNA strands and many more).

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Summer school 2016

Lecture series

There will be problem sessions with projects that accompany the lecture series.
The summer school is directed to Ph.D. and advanced master students with a solid background in analysis and/or numerics of partial differential equations.
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Quantum world on waveguides. Book review



“Waveguide” is a word, which often occurs in our CRC community. Actually, we even have a project C4, which is devoted to modeling, design and optimization of waveguides.

In this post I would like to bring your attention to the book, which appeared recently in Springer publishing house. The book is entitled “Quantum waveguides”, the authors are Pavel Exner from the Nuclear Physics Institute (Prague) and Hynek Kovařík from the University of Brescia (Italy). The first author is a Czech mathematical physicist, well-known expert in mathematical problems and methods of quantum theory. The second author is his former PhD student, and is an established researcher working in the same area. At the moment there is no review for this book on MathSciNet, so I decided to fill this gap using our CRC blog.

The main object of study in this book is a quantum particle, whose motion is restricted to a very small range in one direction but is not restricted in the remaining direction(s) so that a transport is possible. From the mathematical point of view this means that we study Schrödinger operators in domains like strips, tubes, layers etc.

Pavel Exner

Pavel Exner //Source: Ceska Pozice

What are the main questions addressed in the book? The first main problem is this: what happens to the spectra under a local deformation of a straight waveguide. At first this problem is inspected for free particles, whose motion is governed by Dirichlet laplacians. One knows that the essential spectrum of such operators is a ray, while the discrete spectrum is empty. In case of local perturbations the essential spectrum remains the same, while the discrete spectrum may become non-empty – new eigenvalues may appear below the infimum of the essential spectrum. The first chapter of the book concerns this problem for various local perturbations, like bending or twisting. In the next chapters the authors extend their results to Schrödinger and magnetic Schrödinger operators.

The other issue, which is addressed in the book, is as follows: what happens, when the transversal diameter of a graph tends to zero (and so the waveguide collapses to a line or, more generally, to a metric graph)? One may ask about the limit of the corresponding Schrödinger operators. It turns out that in the limit one gets an operator on the line (or graph), and the form of this operator depends essentially on the way, how our waveguide shrinks to a 1D structure.

Hynek Kovařík

Hynek Kovařík //Source: MFO

Other important questions, which are considered in the book are the following: periodic waveguides (band-gap structure for the spectrum and related issues), point perturbations of a straight waveguides (like δ-interactions), weakly coupled waveguides (e.g., waveguides coupled through a narrow window).

Not only quantum waveguides are discussed. Acoustic problems (which, actually, means that Dirichlet conditions are substituted by Neumann conditions) are also treated. The results could be also used in optics, since Maxwell equations governing propagation of electro-magnetic waves can be reduced to scalar operators provided the waves are suitably polarized.

The way the authors present and prove their results shows that they tried to omit inessential technical details and to focus on the main ideas and concepts. Mostly the theorems are given with complete proofs. Some proofs are only sketched and the details are left for the reader. The authors accompanied their results by physical interpretations. At the end one has a comprehensive bibliography on the topic, so the reader will easily find suitable literature for further reading.

The notations are compatible with standard analysis books. Choosing them the authors were consistent but not pedantic. For example, in some places they use the arrows for vectors, while in other places the arrows are dropped.

The book is fairly self-contained. To read it one needs only some basic knowledge in functional analysis, operators theory and differential geometry. The main target group are experienced researchers, but it quite is accessible for Ph.D. and even master students. By the way, in the end of each chapter one can find a list of problems, that can serve for possible topics of master theses.

I recommend this book for all mathematicians who are interested in spectral theory and geometrical analysis. Even, if you do not deal with waveguides, you can find here a lot of useful ideas, which can be applied elsewhere.

Travel report on the recherche en binôme (research in pairs) program at CIRM

Once again we (Dirk Hundertmark, Tobias Ried, Semjon Wugalter) met at the international research centre CIRM (Centre International de Rencontres Mathematiques) just south of Marseille for a research in pairs programme. Two years ago at CIRM we started our new research direction in the study of regularity properties of complicated nonlinear evolution equations. The research centre is located in Luminy, just north of the Calanques, the famous cliffs in the southern French Provence. Spring time here is fantastic.

We are staying for two weeks, working together with Professor Jean-Marie Barbaroux from the University of Toulon. In addition, we had a very interesting discussion today with Professor Anne Nouri from the University of Marseille. CIRM is a perfect retreat for doing research in a quiet environment without any distractions. For example, the room they reserved for our studies used to be a chapel.


Enjoying a well-earned break… photograph by Tobias Ried

We are looking forward to the second week here. We are excited about our next research retreat in the autumn of this year at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach. It will be interesting to compare the two experiences.