9th Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Evolution Equations

From the 8th until the 11th of November a group of 13 people from the KIT went to Innsbruck to participate in the 9th Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Evolution Equations. It took place at the Bildungsinstitut Grillhof in Vill, just outside Innsbruck. The nice location with amazing views on Innsbruck and its surrounding mountains and the great food provided the perfect environment for a successful workshop.


View from conference location, taken by Simone Buchholz.

What was the workshop about? If you look up the meaning of “evolution equation” on the Encyclopedia of Mathematics, you will come across the following definition:

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Conferences and Summer Schools

The CRC recently held a summer school on wave phenomena in Karlsruhe bringing 53 participants from 12 countries around the world to Karlsruhe to focus on their shared interest in and faszination of wave phenomena. I personally recently took part in a conference in Italy (IMSE) leading some friends and family to ask me, what a conference or summer school amongst mathematicians is like. Since you might be thinking about a future in academic research yourself, while you read this, I want to take some time to tell you a little bit about what my experiences with these two formats have been and what they offer to you as a student or young researcher.

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Travel report: how operator theory and asymptotic analysis met in Bath

Conference poster

This spring I had an opportunity to visit the UK and to participate in the conference “Operators, Operator Families and Asymptotics” which was held from May 16th to May 19th, 2016. The conference was hosted by the University of Bath and supported by the LMS, the EPSRC and the Bath Institute for Mathematical Innovation.

Looking at the conference title one could expect the meeting of researchers working in abstract operator theory and related “complicated” areas. In reality the aim was different – to bring together researchers applying various techniques of operator theory to the asymptotic analysis of parameter-dependent differential equations and boundary-value problems. The physical meaning of these parameters depends on the situation modelled by the equation. For example, in case of a strongly inhomogeneous media this parameter plays the role a characteristic scale of the microstructure (so, one deals with a problem belonging to homogenization theory). The meeting aimed at making an overview of the state of the art in this rapidly developing area. Continue Reading →

ICOSAHOM 2016 in Rio de Janeiro


Gründe um Ende Juni 2016 nicht nach Rio de Janeiro zu reisen gab es viele:

  • Der berühmte Karneval war dieses Jahr schon lange vorbei und die Olympischen Sommerspiele sollten erst in etwas mehr als einen Monat beginnen.
  • In Rio ist im Juni Winter. Dies bemerkt man vor allem am frühen Eindunkeln und den Sonnenuntergängen um circa Viertel nach fünf am Nachmittag.
  • Am gewichtigsten aber sicherlich die vielen negativen Nachrichten und Schlagzeilen über das Zika-Virus, Polizistenstreiks, instabile politische Verhätnisse, etc.

Der Grund es dennoch zu tun, war die Anfrage von Stéphane Lanteri (Inria, Sophia Antipolis, Frankreich) und Frédéric Valentin (LNCC, Petropolis Brasilien), ob ich beim Minisymposium über “Hybridized and Multiscale Methods for Waves” im Rahmen der “International Conference on Spectral and High Order Methods”, kurz ICOSAHOM, mitwirken möchte. Da das Minisymposium sich mit meinem Forschungsinteressen deckte, sagte ich zu und hielt einen Vortrag über “Finite Elemente Heterogeneous Multiscale Methods for Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Oscillatory Media”, welchen ich hier nun kurz zusammenfassen möchte.

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Ein Mekka für Mathematiker – Oberwolfach

Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach

“Tübingen, in der Nähe von Oberwolfach”, was für viele Menschen wie eine absurde Ortsbeschreibung klingt, ist unter Mathematikern absolut verständlich. Denn im beschaulichen Oberwolfach im Schwarzwald befindet sich das Mathematische Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (MFO). Es bietet Platz für Workshops, Sommerschulen und Forschungsaufenthalte und beherbergt eine der größten mathematischen Bibliotheken der Welt, ein Mekka für Mathematiker. Ende März nahmen sechs von uns am Workshop “Geometric Numerical Integration” teil: neben mir die beiden Organisatoren Marlis Hochbruck und Christian Lubich sowie Volker Grimm, Tobias Jahnke und Katharina Schratz.

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