Once again we (Dirk Hundertmark, Tobias Ried, Semjon Wugalter) met at the international research centre CIRM (Centre International de Rencontres Mathematiques) just south of Marseille for a research in pairs programme. Two years ago at CIRM we started our new research direction in the study of regularity properties of complicated nonlinear evolution equations. The research centre is located in Luminy, just north of the Calanques, the famous cliffs in the southern French Provence. Spring time here is fantastic.
We are staying for two weeks, working together with Professor Jean-Marie Barbaroux from the University of Toulon. In addition, we had a very interesting discussion today with Professor Anne Nouri from the University of Marseille. CIRM is a perfect retreat for doing research in a quiet environment without any distractions. For example, the room they reserved for our studies used to be a chapel.

Enjoying a well-earned break… photograph by Tobias Ried
We are looking forward to the second week here. We are excited about our next research retreat in the autumn of this year at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach. It will be interesting to compare the two experiences.