On April 27-28, 2017 the workshop “Women in PDEs @ Karlsruhe” will take place. The aim of this workshop is to provide a platform to bring together students of mathematics (in Bachelor or Master programs), young researchers (PhD students and postdocs) and established female mathematicians from academia and industry working on partial differential equations (PDEs). Outstanding invited speakers will give talks on their current research topics. A panel discussion will give the possibility to discuss questions not only concerning research but also career choices/planning and practical questions of managing career and family.
Our plenary speakers are
- Martina Chirilus-Bruckner (Univ. Leiden, Netherlands)
- Maria Lopez-Fernandez (La Sapienza Univ. Rome, Italy)
- Marie Rognes (Simula Research Laboratory, Norway)
- Claire Scheid (Côte d’Azur Univ., France)
- Birgit Schörkhuber (Univ. Vienna, Austria)
- Susanna Terracini (Univ. Turin, Italy)
- Chrysoula Tsogka (Univ. Crete, Greece)
Female participants in all stages of their career are invited to present posters on their research or current projects. Registration is free, but will be required for attendance.
More information can be found on the workshop’s webpage http://womeninpdes.waves.kit.edu Details on the program and news will be posted there.